
Wednesday, June 09, 2010

June 1, 2010

Dear Sis~

Summer is only 3 weeks away, although I can't tell from these sweltering cells.  By July it will feel like a sauna in this massive cellblock, which absorbs the fierce heat all day, then radiates it all night.  Our only saving grace is these little electric fans we can buy from the canteen.  We had to file a fderal lawsuit some years ago to win the right to purchase fans.  Prior to that it was not uncommon, on many a hot day, for prisoners here (including me) to throw about an inch of water on the cell floor, then lay naked in the puddle, staring up at the ceiling, making "snow angels", panting like a dog.  Now, it's only marginally better, providing you have a fan (not everyone can afford one)...

I'm finally beginning to read War and Peace, one of those classics I've been intending to read for decades, but somehow never got around to.  Actually, I'm working on my own case, my Rule 3.850 motion, but during my breaks I'm relaxing by reading.  I've got a stack of classics I'm slowly working my way throuigh, enjoying the beauty of great literature.  Maybe I'll get motivated agan to resume my own writing journey...

For the last few weeks, each time I've gone out to the rec yard, I've engaged an animated mockingbird.  I'll whistle for him and he'll soon fly over and perch on a fence post where we trade whistles and chirps and various calls.  As I pace around the rectangular yard, he follows me, flitting from pole to pole, exchanging calls and whistles.  That's my only encounter with nature in this otherwise sterile and desolate dump...

I was going to write about the big oil spill but, damn, it's just too depressing.  There's nothing I can do to add to that sad, tragic tale which is a commentary on our own foolishness...

Keep your chin up and keep smiling!

Light & Love,